According to the git README, git is:
- a mispronunciation of ‘get’
- Dictionary definition: Stupid, Contemptible and Despicable, Simple
- global information tracker
- goddamn idiotic truckload of shit
Git is a Distributed Version Control System. Meaning that you do not need a server to run it like Perforce. It was made in 2005 for Linux after BitKeeper (the VCS they used at the time) revoked their free license. It has since grown to become the de facto standard VCS.
It works by taking snapshots of the entire file system on each commit.
Table of Contents
As with any new software/system, there is terminology specific to the tool:
- Repository (Referred to as “Repo”)
- Place which holds the files and version control metadata
- Anything outside of the Repo is not tracked
- All the relevant data is saved in a
folder in the root
- Remote Origin
- The server which is the main source of truth. Normally is the GitHub server but can be local servers.
- Anytime you see ‘origin’ think server/cloud. Branches on the server will show up as
on your machine.
- Local Repository
- The repository on your computer.
- Nearly every operation is local
- Only non local operation are:
- Only non local operation are:
- Commit
- A snapshot of the files you have changed
- Upstream/Downstream
- Where you are relative to changes in the repo
- You can commit something upstream which adds onto the repo
- You can be downstream if you are behind the repo
Often when discussing git to people it invariably gets mixed up with GitHub so I have to include this difference out early.
GitHub is place to upload code, it is what YouTube is to videos. If you have any open-sourced project it is the best place to host the code. Many projects that have millions of users around the world use projects hosted on GitHub such as React, .NET and VSCode. It also has many companies that release their tooling and also individual people who show off their own projects. This is not a GitHub guide though so for our purposes, GitHub is basically a cloud server that only accepts git repositories.
It is not git.
Using git
Command Line Interface (CLI)
git is a command line tool so this is its native interaction method.
Command Lines can be scary but all you need to start really is cd
for change directory (cd Assets
to go into a folder called “Assets” or cd ..
to go up a folder) and ls
to list the current files and directories in a folder.
I use something called oh-my-posh (mac equivalent would be oh-my-zsh + powerlevel10k) which shows some more information about the current git repository like branch, modified files, staged files, commits to push and commits to pull.
It is highly customisable with many premade themes that exist and the capability to customise your own.
GitHub desktop
This is one developed by GitHub desktop. Seems to do the job well enough.
This one seems to have a lot of support around it as well and people find it easy to use.
- Sourcetree
- Sublime Merge
- GitKraken
- Tower
- SmartGit
- Anchorpoint
- VSCode
- JetBrains IDE
- Magit
- LazyGit
- Git Extensions
- And more!
Git Structure
Working Areas
There are 4 areas that are important to understand with where your files are where.
- Working
- Where you are modifying files and such.
- Staging
- Where you have selected the files you want to commit.
- Think of Staging as a completely separate place to the Working area.
- Changes in the Working area will NOT appear in the Staging area.
- Local
- The repo on your machine
- Remote
- The repo on the server
File Lifecycle
Files have 4 different stages they can be in (well 5 if you count merge conflict).
- Untracked
- Files that git has no history on and will want to track.
- Unmodified
- Files that have not been modified. This will be most of your files.
- Modified
- Files that have been modified
- Staged
- Files about to be committed.
Once a file has been committed it falls back to being unmodified.
This is the most useful command. Is is so useful that the purpose of git GUIs is to show this information in a clearer manner.
git status
It displays:
- Current branch/commit
- Files in staging
- Modified files
- Untracked files
- How far ahead/behind you are from the remote repo
It’s how you get repositories in the first place. Useful to know if you need to start from scratch because you’ve messed up your current repo.
git clone <URL>
git clone <URL> <FOLDER>
How to get updated files from the remote repo.
gil pull
This will look at the remote and see what the latest commits and branches are. Some GUIs and tools will run this intermittently so you can see when there are new commits to pull.
git fetch
Adds the selected files to staging. Staging is the files you want to commit and push. Some git GUIs omit this step and will commit the files you have selected.
git add .
to add all modified files
git add <FILE>
e.g. git add Assets/Project/Scripts/SomeSpecificFile.cs
To undo a file you have added to staging.
git restore <FILE>
git restore --staged <FILE>
Submits your changes with a message.
-m appends the message to the commit (or else it’ll open a text editor for you to write)
git commit -m "fix: message"
You can skip staging files by adding the -a
flag to the command. E.g.
git commit -am "feat: main menu"
Push uploads it to the server. All commits you have not pushed will be pushed to remote/origin
git push
A branch is a splitting of the tree, hence branch. (Branching of a whole repository is called a fork) Branches are extremely useful as it allows you to make experiments, work on features and save milestones without affecting the main branch. If you have files staged, modified or untracked, they will carry over to the new branch.
git branch <BRANCH_NAME>
To delete:
git branch -d <BRANCH_NAME>
To view branches:
git branch
If you want to synch your branch you can merge into your branch by doing: git merge <BRANCH_NAME>
Allows you to switch branches.
git switch <BRANCH_NAME>
If you are working on a branch you will eventually need to merge it back into the main branch. There are a few “merge strategies” to think about though.
Fast Forward
If the branch you are merging to has had no changes since you created the branch, git will just move the branch to the current commit and no real merging will happen.
Three-way merge
If someone has made another commit on the branch you want to merge to git will do a three-way merge. It will create a new snapshot of the two branches merged and commit that. This new commit is legitimately special as it contains references to both branches.
Takes all of your commits off the tree, pulls all of the commits and then places each commit one by one.
I use it when I make a commit on main and then someone else commits before I had a chance to push.
If merging from another branch
git merge <BRANCH_NAME> --rebase
If on the same branch
git pull --rebase
Combines all the commits from the branch and makes it into a single commit. Can be useful to have a clean repository.
Merge Conflicts
If you have conflicts it is best to view them in some viewer, whether that is in the GUI itself, P4Merge or in a text editor. Use your best judgement when trying to merge as each merge can be slightly different.
A way you can save files without committing them. Some operations require a clean working directory so doing this you can save your files, do the operation and then unstash them.
To stash your files you can run:
git stash
To unstash your files you can run:
git stash pop
Oh I fucked up
The reset command is how we can undo a commit. Reset will change where the commit the branch also looks at rather than just what you’re looking at.
To undo the last commit run:
git reset --soft HEAD~
A few things to go over for understanding.
- Means it will only undo the command of
git commit
- There are 2 other options
will undo all thegit add
will undo the working directory which deletes history.
- Means it will only undo the command of
- The last commit on the branch
- The previous commit (also known as the parent)
Basically the command is telling git to go to the last commit, go to the one before it, and any commits in front of it to be put back into the staging area.
Undoing a Merge
You can use the command git merge --abort
to undo a merge commit.
Git Large File Storage is a solution to storing larger binary files such as images and compressed data that you need to store in a git repo. The reason this is a separate thing is that when you clone or pull a repo, you download every version of that file. When code is predominantly text files, this is not a big deal, but if you are downloading potentially gigabyte’s of files, it can take a while.
Git LFS is a plugin that then changes where designated file extensions are saved and replaces the files in the git repo to just a file that points to the real location. Only the files you need specifically at that point in time is then downloaded.
To designate a file use the command:
git lfs track "*.FILETYPE"
E.g. git lfs track "*.psd"
for Photoshop Files.
Conventional/Semantic Commits
Having a particular format to write commits can be useful. I try to use a method called Semantic Commits which has a predefined title and then a short message about the commit.
E.g. “fix: opening inventory no longer crashes” or “feat: added main menu”
Allows others to easily read the commit history and know what got changed.
Semantic Commit Messages Gist by Josh Buchea Conventional Commits Git Semantic Commit Messages by Ryan W Semantic Commit Messages by Sparkbox
You don’t have to do it but I believe it helps.
GitHub CLI
I use the GitHub cli to clone and to authenticate myself with GitHub. It can be useful if you clone a lot of GitHub repos because instead of typing needing to type the GitHub url you can just type the repo name.